Our chapter meetings are typically held on the first Monday of each month around 7:00PM in a designated location at the Watertown Municipal Airport. Social hour lasts from 6:00-7:00PM prior to each meeting; food, friends, and airplane talk! Meetings are used to discuss news, projects, upcoming events, aviation education - and of course, we have a little fun, too! Non-members interested in joining the group are always invited to visit a meeting if they'd like to learn more. Message us at eaachapter320@gmail.com for more information.
Our VMC Club offers monthly meetings in which pilots can network and share knowledge and experience. The meetings use real-world scenarios to engage members, and allow a free exchange of information that improves awareness and skills. The intent is to create a community of pilots willing to share information, provide recognition, foster communications, promote safety, and build proficiency. The VMC Club monthly programming is developed and produced by EAA, but it does not use a lecture or presentation format. Instead, an actual scenario is presented and is followed by a group discussion – so audience participation is encouraged! Since everyone has a different experience level and different airplane capabilities, we can all benefit from the discussion. Message us at eaachapter320@gmail.com if you're interested in joining.

Frequently throughout the year, we plan outings or "field trips" to various destinations throughout the Wisconsin area, with the goal of getting out, flying, and doing something fun together as a chapter. Whether it's visiting other airports, attending fish boils, or looking at fall colors from up high - it's aways a great time. Sometimes we drive, sometimes we fly - but you don't have to be a pilot or own a plane in order to tag along - there's always an empty seat with your name on it. Join our chapter to become involved!

EAA’s Eagle Flights® is a free introductory flight experience and informal mentoring program designed to welcome and encourage adults who want to discover flying, but don’t know how or where to take that first step. It begins with a hands-on introduction, where you’ll fly with a local EAA-member pilot who will let you follow along at the controls of the airplane to get a feel for what being a pilot is all about. After the flight, he or she can help you learn more about how to get involved in your local aviation community, including the next steps you can take on the path to becoming a pilot. The best part? The whole experience is free. No sales. No pressure. Just a whole lot of fun and education with a big take-home point: Your dream of flying is a lot closer than you think. Learn more about the Eagle Flights® program.
Founded in 1992, the Young Eagles program is dedicated to giving youth ages 8–17, an opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane. These flights are offered free of charge and are made possible through the generosity of EAA member volunteers. It’s the only program of its kind, with the sole mission to introduce and inspire kids in the world of aviation. Today, the Young Eagles program has flown over 2 million kids. For more information from EAA headquarters about the Young Eagles program, visit www.youngeagles.org.

Eagle Flights Leader
Daniel Birnschein
City: Watertown
Phone: 920-245-5015

Young Eagles Coordinator:
John Puttre
City: Watertown
Phone: 920-650-6027
EAA Technical Counselors are experienced airplane builders, restorers, and mechanics who volunteer their time to visit other EAA members who are in the process of building or restoring their own aircraft. The goal of EAA’s Technical Counselors program is to help members present a “zero defect” aircraft at final inspection by the FAA. It’s aimed at providing experienced builders to help you make the right choices during construction. If you are building or restoring, tap into this member benefit early in the project to save time, money, and aggravation! Get the peace of mind that can only be had from an experienced builder looking over your work to provide you with a best path forward.
EAA Chapter 320 Technical Counselor: Gerard Maier
Hartford, WI | 262-966-4947 | Skills: A&P Mechanic, Sheet Metal - Driven Rivets, Sheet Metal - Pulled Rivets
EAA Flight Advisors can help you find the right path to get you flying efficiently and, most importantly, safely.
The Flight Advisors program is designed to increase sport aviation safety by developing a corps of volunteers who have demonstrated expertise in specific areas of flying and making them available to EAA members who may be preparing to fly an unfamiliar aircraft.
Flight Advisors can help you plan your first flight, and determine if additional training is needed. Often, members who access this program qualify for more complete insurance, like “first flight” coverage under the EAA Aircraft Insurance Plan.
EAA Chapter 320 Flight Advisor: Dennis Williams
Oconomowoc, WI | 414-507-1981 | Skills: CFI, Glider, Tailwheel, Sport Pilot
Being a part of EAA has many perks - one of which may include scholarships. As a chapter member, you will have access to a database of scholarships for a variety of levels of flight education - ranging from private pilot to career-related scholarships. We have a chapter scholarship coordinator who can assist you with finding and applying for scholarships, and will lead you to available opportunities.
EAA Chapter 320 Scholarship Coordinator: scholarships.eaa320@gmail.com